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The first product launched, which has now become iconic, is the famous pendant in the stylized shape of a boy or girl which, over time, has been declined in rings, bracelets and earrings. An elegant jewel with an essential design, which conveys a strong message: this is why the Bimbo e Bimba pendant is so loved by the thousands of women and mothers who have chosen it, to the point of establishing itself as a real must have.
Over the years, leBebé has enriched its collection by introducing jewels dedicated to future mothers: this is how the Suonamore line of jewelry for birth was born with its auspicious musical pendants for pregnant women. The Call Angels leBebé charms are one of the most popular gifts for mothers-to-be. For children, leBebé has created the Primegioie line inspired by the joy, curiosity and imagination of children. Their first jewels, perfect for celebrating the most important moments of their childhood and as a gift idea for baptism, communion and confirmation.
Via XX Settembre, 115 - 24122 - Bergamo
Largo Europa, 17 - 24044 - Dalmine (BG)
Cornali XX Settembre
Via XX Settembre, 115 - 24122 Bergamo -
(+39)035.231211 - info@cornalibergamo.it -
Cornali Dalmine
Largo Europa, 17, - 24044 Dalmine (BG) -
(+39)035.561357 - info@cornalidalmine.it